
The Multicentric Program of Graduation in Physiological Sciences, in Masters and Doctorate degree, presented by Brazilian Society of Physiology (SBFis) and which has UFBA-Vitória da Conquista Campus as one of its centers, was recommended by CAPES In July 2008 with concept 4.

This program consists of a network of institutions among them UFBA/Vitória da Conquista, UNIFAL, UNESP/Araçatuba, UEL, UFSC, UFRRJ and UFVJM as associated institutions. Each institution has a local collegiate and the general coordination of the program will be formed by coordinators of the local collegiate and members of the SBFis. This network relies on the support of graduate programs in physiology already consolidated, and called Nucleating institutions (UFMG, USP/RP, USP/ICB, US/IB, UFRJ and UFRGS). In this way there will be an intense transit of graduate students between the associated institutions and the nucleators that will allow a solid training to graduate students.

At UFBA, the local collegiate of the program consists of the following professors: Regiane Yatsuda (Coordinator IMS/UFBA), Robson Amaro Augusto da Silva (IMS/UFBA), Amélia Cristina Mendes de Magalhães (Vice IMS/UFBA), Lucas Miranda Marques ( IMS/UFBA) and Rafael Pereira de Paula (UESB Jequié).

