Funding Sources

The Multicentric graduate program in Physiological Sciences has individual and collective projects approved in several funding agencies. Among the resources captured we have financing of costing and/or capital, infrastructure and scholarships for masters and doctorate. The financing of these scholarships is carried out by CNPq, FINEP, CAPES, FAPESB and UFBA itself. The professors also have funding of scientific initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) or initiation to extension (PIBIEX), scholarships of the program stay/UFBA, scholarships of education program Tutorial, scholarships that allow the interaction of graduation with To graduate school. In addition to the teaching internship classes, the graduate students are guardians of undergraduate graduates in the development of their projects, strengthening the interactions between undergraduate and graduate studies. Of this interaction, we highlight positive results in the development of scientific and extension projects, in addition to strengthening the research lines of the program. Many initiation students continue their academic life by doing Master's and Doctorate.

Approved infrastructure financing projects strengthen research lines through infrastructure improvements and equipment procurement for general-purpose laboratories of postgraduate and scientific initiation.

Summary ​of Funding Sources:

  • Scientific Initiation Scholarship – PIBIC (CNPq, FAPESB, UFBA)
  • Scholarship Stay-UFBA
  • Master's and doctoral fellowship of the Postgraduate course – CAPES, CNPq and FAPESB
  • CNPq/CAPES-Casadinho/PROCAD
  • Public call MCTI/CNPq – Universal
  • Research Infrastructure Program – FAPESB
  • Support for academic stricto sensu postgraduate programs-FAPESB
  • CAPES Pro-Equipamentos
  • Participation in scientific and/or technological event in national territory – FAPESB
  • Participation in scientific and/or technological event in international territory – FAPESB
  • Transversal action-Regional campuses FINEP

